4 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School! - Morris Bernards Moms

School’s finally out for summer, but for parents, it’s just about time to start thinking ahead to Back to School! Making a game plan now for August and September, including ordering some key supplies, can really take the stress out of school prep. As experienced moms, we’ve realized over the years that a few hours of planning early can save *days* of catch up work later, particularly if you have preschoolers or kids starting in Kindergarten, when you haven’t been through it a few times already!

Here are four tips that will help you get to the finish line—aka the First Day of School—without losing any Summer vibes at the end of the season.

Label, Label, Label
Little kids (as well as teens!) are still learning to keep track of their backpacks, water bottles, extra clothes and more. Help teachers and kids out by labeling *everything* you can. We love Name Bubbles, a mom-founded, made in America, customized label brand. They have everything to get you 100 % ready, from dishwasher-safe lunchbox labels to stick-on labels that truly stay on clothes. Plus, their “Value Packs” aren’t just a great deal, but also helpful for first-time school moms who want an “all in one” option so they don’t miss any labels they need.

Want to try Name Bubbles? Click here and use code LOCALMOMS15 for 15% off!

Read our Meet a Mom with Name Bubbles Founder Michelle Brandriss, here.

Start Early
We said it before, but it bears repeating—back to school prep is best done in advance, and is a two-part process. We like to get the ordering of supplies (from pencils to labels)  out of the way in early Summer, so that we’re not hustling (and paying for express shipping!) in August. Then, late summer can be spent prepping ourselves and our kids for what’s to come (last minute bucket list trips, picking first day outfits, getting back on sleep schedules, etc.). 

Visit Their School or Classroom
Think about your first day at a new job – you don’t know where the bathroom is, or where you eat your lunch, and those little “new” things can make first days kind of scary. It’s the same for your kiddos, whether they’re simply going to the next grade or a new school. If you can visit the class and meet the teacher, great. But if not, simply head to the playground or drive by, to start helping them become familiar with their new surroundings.

Practice Self-Help Skills
Younger kids may still be learning to tie shoes, or open up their yogurt pouch, and Summer is a great time to help them perfect these skills. While preschool teachers or daycare workers were very happy to help, Kindergarten teachers may have a higher teacher to student ratio and not as much time for these basic skills. Labeling with Name Bubbles can help kids from spending time finding the right coat (since each season it can seem like every chooses the same style!).

Teach Kindness
We all know that the world needs kindness now more than ever—and talking about kindness before the start of the school year can help set the tone for your child and their new classmates. On that note, we love Names Bubbles new partnership with the Positivity Project, which help students with positive thinking and relationships. To support this initiative, shop the Positivity Stickers collection.  Another way to spread the love heading into Back to School? Give a Name Bubbles gift certificate to your friends and family prepping for the 2022-2023 school year. Trust us—they’ll appreciate being a little more organized in the Fall as much as you do!

This story contains sponsored content. 

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