Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in the area?
I am originally from the Finger Lakes region of New York State. We moved to Madison a little over 10 years ago and love the small town feel of the area.
Child(ren) and Age(s)?
Nora (8) and Tess (6)
Are you involved in a business venture or corporate world? Please Share!
I am co-owner of Princeton Speech-Language and Learning Center with offices in Princeton and more recently, Madison.
When did you decide you wanted to open your own Speech Therapy Practice?
After moving to NJ, I started working at the original office in Princeton. When the previous owner retired, my business partner, Carole Drury (based in Princeton), and I wanted to continue the mission of the clinic—which is to provide multi-disciplinary therapeutic services in a supportive, collaborative environment. We opened the second location in Madison last year.
Has language and helping others always been a part of your life?
My father was a school administrator so education was a big part of my life growing up. I participated in speech therapy when I was younger for articulation and so I always had an interest. I love working with children—it’s never boring!
What do you recommend for someone looking to get their child evaluated?
I always tell parents to listen to their gut. If something doesn’t feel right or there is a concern, don’t wait. Early intervention is key.
If you could give one tip to fellow Mom Entrepreneurs what would it be?
Believe in yourself. It’s not easy but it’s worth it.
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I don’t like coffee!
Ok 10 Fun LOCAL favorites – ready, go!
1 – Favorite thing to do with your kids? Playing outside
2 – Favorite coffee spot? Sunday Motor Company (for tea!)
3 – Favorite lunch place? Bottle Hill Tavern
4 – Favorite farm to go fruit picking? Stony Hill Farm
5 – Favorite date night restaurant? Agricola
6 – Favorite boutique? Stitch
7 – Favorite spot to grab a drink? Madison Market
8 – Who has the best bagels in town? Gabe’s
9 – Best slice of pizza in town? Firehouse
10 – Favorite spot for ice cream? McCool’s
This Interview was done in partnership with Princeton Speech-Language and Learning Center. Be sure to follow them on social media below: