Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in town?
I have served Morris County residents for over 17 years.
Child(ren) and Age(s)?
I am a foster and adoptive parent and have also served as a life-long mentor for children in need. 5 children total have lived in our home. 2 were adopted, 2 were reunified with their biological families and 1 is happily married and launched on her own.
Favorite things to do with your kids?
We love to bake gingerbread together.
Are you involved in a business venture or corporate world? Please Share!
In addition to serving as the Managing Partner of Lyons & Associates, PC, I have a Masters Degree in social work and am a best seller author of Sticks & Stones, Life Lessons from a Lawyer.
When did you decide you wanted to open your own law practice?
If you could give one tip to fellow Mom Entrepreneurs what would it be?
Be Afraid Big – take the risk. We spend so much of our lives in fear, we might as well be afraid big or do it on our own terms.
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
Our family has a pet pot belly pig named Oliver who lives inside, is house trained and loves Jack Johnson music.
How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
It takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to sustain the village itself. Morris Bernards Moms, and their sister sites are a critical part of our village and we are grateful.
This article is done in partnership with Lyons & Associates, P.C. You can follow them on social media below, and be sure to reach out to Theresa and her team for all of your family law as well as wills and estates needs.