Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in the area?
I was born in Morristown but I grew up in the Bridgewater/Martinsville area. I left NJ for Boston University and then lived in Atlanta for 5 years with my best friend before meeting my husband and moving home.
Child(ren) and Age(s)?
Sullivan is 13, Sloane is 11, and Mackenzie is 8.
Are you involved in a business venture?
I opened Springboard Pediatric Therapy in 2005 as a Pediatric Occupational Therapy clinic. In 2020, I was able to add Speech and Physical Therapy to the clinic services.
When did you decide you wanted to open your own pediatric occupational therapy center?
Both my parents were entrepreneurs. My Mom owned Giselle’s Unique Shop in Warren and my Dad owned Brandywine International Truck and parts in Avenel, NJ. They encouraged me to move out onto my own after working for a decade in schools, EI, and in other therapists private practices to achieve my dream space. I wanted to provide the type of therapy I felt was the most effective in an environment I loved and that I felt most benefited my patients and their families.
Has helping children always been a part of your life?
I would say PLAYING with children has always been a part of my life. I was always playing, always outside, and I always enjoyed meeting new people, young and old. That turned into helping when I started babysitting around 11 years old. I babysat until I started having my own children! Naturally, helping and playing collide in Pediatric OT. Play is a child’s occupation and, in my opinion, the BEST part of being a child.
If you could give one tip to fellow Mom Entrepreneurs what would it be?
It is so worth being a Mom Entrepreneur. You are setting an amazing example for your kids, you can ramp up or down to suit your needs and wants, and you can involve your kids in a wonderful journey of being a part of a community. In my case it is being part of a caring community, so an even more amazing experience. My kids grew up coming to the clinic to play or hang out if we did not have child care.
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I was a D1 heavyweight rower at Boston University and I still love to do flips on the trapeze bars at playgrounds.
Ok 10 Fun LOCAL favorites – ready, go!
1 – Favorite thing to do with your kids? Travel and snuggle.
2 – Favorite coffee spot? The Coffee Potter
3 – Favorite lunch place? Saigon Subs and Cafe (lemongrass chicken is OMG so good!)
4 – Favorite farm to go fruit picking? Alstede’s
5 – Favorite date night restaurant? Jockey Hollow
6 – Favorite boutique? I am not a shopper, my Mom owned a women’s clothing store and between her and her friends, I honestly have the best hand me downs ever. My mom and I are similar in size! I also hate clothes shopping- I wear scrubs to work, it is DIVINE.
7 – Favorite spot to grab a drink? Piattino’s. I love that bar!
8 – Who has the best bagels in town? I’m gluten free- so no preference.
9 – Best slice of pizza in town? Franks.
10 – Favorite spot for a cookie or cupcake? Big bird cupcakes from Swiss Chalet in Morristown
This post was done in partnership with Springboard Pediatric Therapy. Be sure to follow them on social media below: